Links for Parents and Carers
Please see below for some useful links for parents and carers:
Cost of Living
Cost of Living Hub – help with food, fuel and money – Stockport Council have launched a dedicated cost of living webpage that gathers the wide range of support available from the council and other organisations in one place. Visit .
Citizens Advice Stockport (CAS) – Citizens Advice Stockport provides free, confidential, independent and impartial advice and information. Contact CAS if you need help with your energy bills, rent or council tax, benefit checks or benefit applications, or mortgage arrears. You can also contact CAS if you need specialist support with benefits if you have a long-term illness or are disabled, if you’re a carer or if you’re a member of the Armed Forces community. Phone: 0808 278 7803 to speak to and advisor or visit for more information, advice, or ways to access services.
Healthy Start Vouchers – If you have?a?child?under the age of four?or?are?pregnant, you may also be eligible for?further?support through the?NHS?Healthy Start Scheme. More information?can be found?at . You can also ask a midwife or health visitor for help or phone the Healthy Start helpline on 0345 607 6823.
Stockport Council Support Funds – If you're a Stockport resident and are experiencing a financial crisis, you can apply to Support Funds for help. Applications can be submitted online to access foodbank referrals, emergency gas/energy top-ups for those on prepayment meters, help paying your Council Tax, help with rent shortfalls or help to apply to a charity or trust fund for further support. For more information and to apply, visit
Foodbanks – To request a food bank referral, please contact your child’s school or phone Stockport Citizens Advice on 0808 278 7803.
Stockport Council Welfare Rights Team – A team of experienced specialist advisers can represent you at benefits appeals or if you have a problem with your benefits. For more information, visit: If you need any help completing the form, you can contact the Welfare Rights Team by email at or by calling 0161 217 6003.
DigiKnow Helpline – If you are struggling to get online, or do things online, or have lost access to the internet through lack of money, contact the DigiKnow Helpline on 07724 217888 or visit . Available support includes a free device library and data, access to low-cost refurbished devices, or free computer classes to increase your digital skills.
Click here to visit the Stockport SEND Local Offer for all the latest information, advice and resources for parents, carers and young people.
Click here to visit Stockport Foodbank.
Start Well website
The Start Well website supports child development from pre-birth to age 5. Follow the link below to explore a variety of videos and other online resources:
The Solihull Approach Online Parenting courses are FREE for all Stockport parents, carers and foster carers. Visit the website:
Do you struggle when your child has a meltdown?
Would you like to know more about how to help your child stay calm and understand why this happens?
Then, why not come along to our virtual session!
Click here for further information.