Wraparound Care

Wraparound Care at Our Lady's (8:00am - 6:00pm)

At Our Lady's Catholic Primary School, we offer a before and after school facility run by school staff for our parents and carers who require childcare.

Our Breakfast Club is open from 8:00am- 8:40am each day. We provide children with a breakfast including bagels, cereals, fruit and milk / water. There is a range of activities available for them to enjoy.

Our After School Childcare Provision is open Monday to Friday between the hours of 3:30pm and 6.00pm during term-time only. The Club runs various structured fun activities, such as Art and Craft, Mindfulness, Football and Netball. In addition, there are hot snacks available which are prepared by the children as part of the session. Menu options include pizzas, wraps and toasties.

The cost of the Breakfast Club is £1:50 per session and After School Childcare Provision is £5 per hour. Please book via School Spider.

Let's Connect

Our Lady'sCatholic Primary School

About Our School

The aim of Our Lady's Catholic Primary School is:
To provide a loving Catholic environment which will help each individual member of the school family grow morally, spiritually and academically in the love of Jesus Christ.

Get In Touch

Old Chapel Street, Edgeley, Stockport SK3 9HX

Admin | School Business Manager

0161 480 5345 admin@ourladys.stockport.sch.uk

