Our News items

Stockport Normandy Veterans, by Mr Kilkenny

Date: 13th Jul 2022 @ 9:34am

Thanks ot the Minnie Vinnies and their Easter Egge raffle, the school raised £218 for Stockport's Normandy Veterans.

Shiela Burns, Janet Wood and Ray Withnall, who represent  Veterans, came into school to recieve the cheque for £218. They told us the money will be used to help the Veterans create a bespoke Stockport book on the lives of the men and women who played a role in World War II.  The school would like to say a special thanks to the Sheila, Janet and Ray for relaying the facinating stories of their lives living through World War II and answering so many of the children's great questions.

Holy Communion, by Mr Kilkenny

Date: 3rd Jul 2022 @ 3:08pm

Congratulations to all the children who celebreated their Holy Communion. Thank you to all the parents, carers and staff who supported the children on their journey.

Trafford Tree Tops, by Mr Kilkenny

Date: 28th Jun 2022 @ 4:02pm

Well done to all the children who conquered lots of their fears today at Trafford Tree Tops. You were all amazing and all worked so well together. 

Cross Country, by Mr Kilkenny

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 1:59pm

Congratualtions to all the children who took part in any of the Cross Country events over this past year.

Because of your hard work and commitment, Year 3 and Year 4 came second overall in all of Stockport. This has never happened in the history of our school and we are immensly proud of you all. Great work.

Word Book Day 2022, by Mr Kilkenny

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 2:06pm

Huge congratulations to all the children that took part in dressing up their potato this year. You have set the bar extremely high.

Let's Connect

Our Lady'sCatholic Primary School

About Our School

The aim of Our Lady's Catholic Primary School is:
To provide a loving Catholic environment which will help each individual member of the school family grow morally, spiritually and academically in the love of Jesus Christ.

Get In Touch

Old Chapel Street, Edgeley, Stockport SK3 9HX

Admin | School Business Manager

0161 480 5345 admin@ourladys.stockport.sch.uk

